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^[[Ans 8/25/24]]

"For Prize Contest"
The Slogan, "Burpee's Seeds Grow" is a household word in our Community. The many beautiful flower and vegetable gardens in this section testify to the truth fullness of this statement. The garden next to the home is man's greatest blessing. The benefits are main fold for one, mine has had much to do with my passing the thru-score years and ten accorded me, for each year when spring comes the lure of the soil calls me to my little garden where interest never lags, and new wonders present themselves daily. 
I do most of the tilling myself, each tiny seed is placed by hand, and I anxiously watch for the first green shoots to push through the earth to typify again the miracle of the resurrections, and I am never disapointed, because Burpee's seeds grow. Later when the plants have come to maturity, I sell what vegetables I do not use-  A ready help to one who is dependent on her own resources. My flowers for "God's smiles" are a source of joy and revenue, so to sum it up Burpee's seeds have done this for me:-supplied me with healthtrue occupation, good vegetables, beautiful flowers, and a little income.
^ [[Ans 8/25/24]]
Mrs Ella J. Newsum
East 4th st.