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^[[Ans 8/25/24]]
[[stamped]]AUG 11 1924[[/stamped]]


Elmer B. Svenson
1616 Woodmont Ave.,
New Kensington, Pa.
August 8, 1924

W. Atlee Burpee Co.,
Philadelphia, Pa.



Since chemistry is my vocation, I carry the methods of the chemical laboratory into my avocation of gardening.  In the laboratory I insure my work by use of C.P. (chemically pure) chemicals.  In the garden I find equal insurance by use of Burpee seeds.

My first venture with Burpee seeds was made five years ago and since that time I have used them constantly.  Their super-excellence has been a valiant ally in my struggle against pests, weeds, drought, and inexperience. Their umiformity is amazing.  My testing has shown that Burpee seed has less than 0.1 per cent sports.  They are true to the name, size, color, and productivity claimed by "Burpee's Annual."

New delights of taste, smell, and sight have come to me since I have used Burpee's seed.  An abundance of fresh succulent vegetables and beautiful, fragrant flowers have supplanted my former scanty supply, purchased from dealers and florists.

My garden is an analytical problem, the solution of which requires Burpee seeds, just as my chemical problems require C. P. Reagents.

Yours very truly, 
[[signed]] Elmer B Svenson [[/signed]]
[[underline]]ELMER B. SVENSON[[/underline]]