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I have had an abundance of fresh flowers to send to my Mother's Grave. Oh! what a comfort to place flowers there that I grew myself.

What would I take for the privilege of walking among these flowers----having silent communion with them and marveling at their hidden beauty and grandeur. They are the beginning and end of my day and each morning some new miracle greets me.

Near my kitchen door grow, in all their stateliness, some of your gorgeous chrysantheum flowered fun-flowers. I have but to look out the door to see a "Million dollar Movie," - a humming bird feasting on one, big black butterflies on another, and bumble bees "Bossing the gang"--- and furnishing the music while we all work and play.

In a recent "Home Beautiful Contest" in my town my home received honorable mention. I attribute this special notice to the fragrant, living, growing, blooming frame of Burpees Flowers, that set off my home. Dahlia flowered zennias, larkspur, ageratum, tall, and dwarf nasturtiums, burning bush, african daisies, marigolds, snapdragons, woll flowers, asters, baby's breath, ornamental grasses, sweet peas, stevia, hardy phlox, gladioli, moon vines, German and Japanese Iris,- love in a mist and many other varities have cooperated with each other in trying to make this frame more beautiful each day. Dahlia flowered zinnias and Burpee Blend Spencer Sweet Peas are clamoring for special mention.

The sweet peas are the grandest I have ever grown! Such exquisite colors and shades and many of them have two and three separate and distinct standards and double wings. Perhaps this happens every day in Burpee's Gardens but it is a revelation to me in sweet pea culture and I am delighted to find it in [[underlined]]my[[/underlines]] garden.

Your Dahlia Flowered Zinnias have startled and amazed every one. People flock to see them! They all say- "I will buy my seed of Burpee next year". Hereafter, I prefer zinnias like these to dahlias. Crimson Monarch and Scarlet Flame are especially spectacular. I stand in awe and silent devotion over these zinnia wonders!

My nearest neighbor often says---"Well, when I am real tired and blue, just to look across at your flowers rests and cures me immediately."

When I think of my friends and [[underlined]]"Say it with Flowers"[[/underlined]] I have grown myself from  Burpee's Seeds it is such a joy and satisfaction to my soul, and when I think of them and say it with a perfect head of Burpees Wayahead or Iceberg Lettuce or a dozen Matchless Tomatoes I feel that I have rendered a real service to humanity, by giving them a bit of the foods essential to perfect health.
My perfect flowers and vegetables have caused several of my friends and myself to decide that our future garden slogan shall be -- PLANT BURPEE'S SEEDS.

Please pardon this lengthy epistle. I could write a good sized book on "What Burpee's Seeds Have Done For Me". If you have read to the end of my "flowery speech" I thank you heartily. If you have been bored please bear in mind, Mr. Burpee, that it is your [[underlined]]flowers and your seeds I am charmed and thrilled [[/underlined]] over.

Your Sunny Tennessee Customer
^[[Maude Rutledge]]