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[[centered]] For Prize Contest. [[/centered]]
what Burpees seeds have done for me. ^ [[#4185]]

Assuredly not only better Produce
From Burpees seed are grown,
Pleasure and courage also increase
If Burpees seeds are sown.

I was very discouraged in the beginning as
I planted half an acre of onions, from Burpees seed in 1922, and being on weedy land was more than I could properly take care of, but decided to try again last year, and raised more onions on half the land, selling them easier and receiving much praise for the onion sold the year before, which was very encouraging and a pleasure to have return customers meet me with smiles.This year I have Burpees onions, cabbage and cauliflower, growing fine, which I have raised before with good luck by by referring to Burpees leaflets, which are a great help. During 2 years I have saved $581, besides doing my canning and other housework.
We cannot expect good for evil, so why should we expect good crops from poor seed, or even from good seed if not taken care of,I find pleasure in caring for Burpees see that are sure to grow, bringing not only profits but more pleasure and better courage.
^[[centered, in pencil]] Ans 8/25/24 [[/centered]] [[timestamp]] Aug 11 1924[[/Timestamp]]
Mrs. Audrey. B. Willett. Carmel, Maine.