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^[[Ans 8/25/24]]
[[stamped]] AUG 11 1924 [[/stamped]] 

[[preprinted]]Ashby, Mass.[[preprinted]]

Prize Contest

W.Atlee Burpee Co.

Dear Sir:-

[[each word in the following paragraph is numbered from 1 to 131. The numbers are not shown for clarity]]

One thing it has been a great pleasure to me to plant Burpee seeds,  as I am sure of their growing, and I gained great knowledge and  watching them grow, also I have profited by so doing. They have taught me wonders of nature in seed, & plant life, Fordhook tomatoes are very interesting from the very beginning & a success with me, such elegant tall plants and fruit such a smooth & beautiful color, delicious in taste.

Nasturtium are best I ever had and flowers so large with little care, my pansys collection is a caller, to all who pass. They are what I call world's wonder.

My Orange - Ball Marigold are lovely & grow in winter also in my dining room windows being a cripple I sit & watch them and