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[[stamped]] AUG 11 1927 [[/stamped]]
^[[Ans 8/25/24]]

For Prize Contest

This spring we bought your President Harding Sapphire Radiance & a lb. mixed sweet peas & we certainly have enjoyed their beauty + fragrance. We've picked two bunches each day and shared them with friends and neighbors and many are the compliments we've had & thanks and always the question "Where did you get the seed? They are beauties.  We also bought your Dollar Flower Garden & some Aster & Pansy seed. The Pansies are a mass of blossoms. The early Asters are in bloom & are lovely, whites, pinks, rose & purple. The Four o'clocks, Larkspur, Petunias & Zinnias are very showy beds. The Baby's Breath bunches nicely with the sweet peas. The Phlox a mass of beautiful colors. The Calendula takes us back 3000 miles & a good many years & we see the little garden at home in Scotland & remember how Father used to grow his flowers.

That is what Burpee's seeds have done for us. "Made a little bit of home", Afforded us loads of pleasure & many a 3000 mile trip with Little Go-Come-Back the travel elf. For real pleasure and quiet contentment nothing beats a garden
Yours truly

C.M. MacDonald
Warsaw St.
Stamford. Conn.