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For Prize Contest.

Tabernacle, VA.
August 8, 1924.

W. Atlee Burpee Company, 
Philadelphia, Pa.


This is what Burpee's seed have done for me:

For the past twenty-five years I have been a planter of Burpee's seed and have made a practice of raising tomato and cabbage plants for sale. During that time I have had a great many customers who buy from me each year and 
the first thing they ask me when they come for their plants is: "Are these plants 
raised from Burpee's Seed". My answer always is "Yes, I do not plant any other 
seed but Burpee's. 

I had rather have Burpee's Seed at his price than to have the 
seed of many other concerns as a gift. In the past twenty-five years I have sold many hundreds of dollars worth of plants, both tomato and cabbage, and have never had an overproduction of plants, but always sell out, and I raise a great many. I have been selling tomatoes over since the Fourth of July 
right at my home for five cents per pound. 

I recommend to all planters "Burpee's Seed That Grow". They are the best that can be bought. 

Yours very truly, 

George L Diggs, 

Ans 8/25/24