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[[stamped]] AUG 11 1924 [[/stamped]]
^[[Ans 8/25/24]]

For Prize Contest. 

Port Allegany, Pa.
August, 8, 1924

Dear Friends:

Service is the only true measure of greatness. This places "Burpee" high on the roll. Eat we must. "Burpee's Seeds That Grow" - serve. 

In our neighborhood gardening is a hobby. "Main Street", of our block, contains seven pleasant homes with gardens of about the same size. Much fun these have produced along with bumper crops. 

The owners are a banker, doctor, lawyer, garage man, two oil producers and a superintendent. After business hours they may be found busily weilding their hoes, and often calling a conference of the whole force, while measurements and comments are freely made. 

Never such tender lettuce, crisp radishes and juicy corn were ever grown. Burpee's seeds are used exclusively and noisily recommended. The Grange Harvest Home prizes are often captured and blue ribbons proudly won. 

This hobby of theirs gives more real joy and fresh vegetables than any that can be named. Not to mention their gain in friendship and good health, none of which can be valued by tape, yard stick or coin, yet they surely are the best asset of this gardening game. 

Yours - 

Bertha Hall Helmer

(Mrs D.S. Helmer)