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^[[ Ans 8/26/24 ]]
[[stamped]] AUG 11 1924 [[/stamped]]

For Prize Contest.

What Burpee Seeds Have Done for Me.

Six years ago in July I, a city girl married a farmer.  At home I ate a great many vegetables and was disappointed to find his garden consisted of potatoes, tomatoes and weeds where he said a few spring vegetables had been.  We lived on pork, potatoes and bought canned goods.  Our grocery bill was enormous.

That spring a neighbor gave me a Burpee catalog.  I ordered a two dollar collection and had a fine garden, tho small.  The next year I ordered eight dollars worth of seed and had a wonderful garden, which we estimated was worth three hundred dollars.  We ate fresh vegetables from May until November with enough canned and stored for winter.

The third year my husband