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^[[ Ans 8/26/24 ]]
[[stamped]] AUG 7 1924 [[/stamped]]

"What Burpee's Seeds have done for me"

Mereno Dovolio
Irwin Penna.
Box 109,
July 8, 1924


I am entering your contest entitiled contestant as to tell the true value of Burpee's Seeds

I owe much [[strikethrough]] gratef [[//strikethrough]] gratitude and gratefulness to the Burpee's Seed Co or Seed growers, for what it's Seeds have done for me

I have tried many Seed Co's but I find that Burpee's is the one that leading them all

Burpee's Seeds have rich flowers, ripens quicker, best quality, no equal seeds, have never been a grown as Burpee's.  Thier worth thier price many and many times