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^[[ Ans 8/26/24 ]]
[[stamped]] AUG 12 1924 ]]

For Prize Contest.

Aug. 6, 1924
Ethanac, California
R. F. D. No. 1 Box 30

Dear Burpee Co,

Pleasure and profit both have I received from the use of Burpee's seed.  Pleasures and benefits that can't possibly be sumed up in dollars.  Confidence that when you plant a named variety of any flower or vegetable, you will get just that kind, no more no less.

Beautiful flowers and perfect vegetables in great abundance.  These have we always had since using Burpee's seed for past twelve years.

I have perfect confidence in all your seed and use them freely and by so doing we have health and happiness in great abundance also.  Who can claim great Pleasures or profits.

Sincerely yours
Mrs. A.H. Warner