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[[stamped]] AUG 12 1924 [[/stamped]]
^[[Ans 8/26/24]]

315 Seventh St.
c/o Nicoll The Tailor,
Des Moines, Iowa
Aug. 9, 1924.

Burpee Seed Co.,


Enclosed find my theme entitled "What Burpee's Seeds Have Done for Me." I could have used fully five hundred words in telling what they have accomplish Enclosed find pictures of your fine types of seed with the large vegetables that were grown. Also I have enclosed matter concerning my winnings in garden exhibits and contests by using your seeds , also a silver cup won.

I have enclosed a self address stamped envelope to return the matter back to me because I want this as a keepsake.

I will appreciate your doing this.
Me for your old stand - by customer.

Liland Anderson.

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