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^[[AUG 8/26/24]]
[[stamped]] AUG 12 1924 [[/stamped]] 

For Prize Contest

It is impossible to adequately state, in a few words, just what "Burpees Seeds", and a garden have meant to me. The yields, from the seeds, have been all that could be desired, while the products have meant a considerable saving in the annual food budget. Some garden vegetable appears on our table, almost daily, from early in June until late in the fall. In addition to this, we have home - canned beans and beets in such quantities as to more than suffice for our winter needs. All of these things are obtained from a ground just forty feet square. 

Personally, however, I do not measure the worth of my garden, by the computed financial returns. I derive satisfaction, of far greater value than can be measured in money, through the pleasure obtained, at having assisted in the creation of something worth - while. It is, to me, a source of unending interest to plan and maintain a garden in such a manner as to aid nature in the work which she so willingly accomplishes for me. By so doing, I not only feel better, physically and mentally, but also receive a very desirable material benefit. 

[[signature]] W D Parke [[/signature]]
281 Wright St., 
Kingston, PA