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[[stamped]] AUG 12 1924 [[/stamped]]
^[[Ans 8/26/24]]

"For Prize Contest"

What Burpee's Seeds Have Done For Me

When a child, I believed in a fairy queen who had only to wave a glittering star - tipped wand to bring about wonderful transformations in the lives and fortunes of good children. That faith has recently been re-established by a fairy queen who appears in the form of Burpee's Annual and whose attendants are seeds, bulbs and cultural leaflets.

With the aid of this fairy band, the whole year is filled with pleasure and profit.  It begins with the early planning and ordering, continues through the invigorating work of cultivation and culminates in the fulfillment of our hopes. By midsummer our lawn is fringed with the gayest of annuals and perennials. Our vegetables garden contains all our favorite foods, crisp and fresh. The surplus from this Burpee garden is canned for winter use.

An inventory at the close of the year shows: closer family unity; better health; happier children; and a more substantial bank account.

Unlike the fairies of childhood the Burpee fairy is always ready to grant our wishes. If we but call her, she will appear with her host of helpers to wield her magic wand over our lives and fortunes.

Mrs. D. A. Hayworth
2320 So. Newton St.
Sioux City, Ia.