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Communist Party, became the national coordinators of the committee.  Within three months there were committees in most major cities throughout the nation.  Demonstrations, meetings, rallies, events for fund-raising, obtaining resolutions and gathering petitions became the major work of thousands of people throughout the country.  And Communists were the key organizers of this spontaneous sentiment for Angela's freedom.

[[bold]] Worldwide Support [[/bold]]

The international support was almost immediate.  Our general secretary, Comrade Gus Hall, held a press conference upon the heels of the arrest, and telegrams and resolutions of protest went to Governors Rockefeller of New York and Reagan of California and to President Nixon demanding Angela's release.  Telegrams and letters of support came in by the thousands from the socialist countries.  Gatherings of peace, women's, trade union and educational organizations in the Soviet Union sent telegrams of protest.  Angela Davis Committees were set up in many socialist countries.  In the German Democratic Republic a card and letter writing campaign was launched that is unsurpassed.  It is not unimportant to note that the people in the German Democratic Republic understand from first hand experience the relationship between racism, anti-communism and repression.

The African National Congress and other organizations in many African countries joined the world protest.  In European countries, including France, Denmark, Italy and Britain, Angela Davis Defense Committees were set up.  Resolutions and protests began pouring in from India.

In Latin America, socialist Cuba took the lead in forming a committee to free Angela.  Committees also came into being in Chile, Mexico and Venezuela.

Today, if you visit a horse farm in socialist Mongolia and enter the dwelling of any family, you will find a poster on the


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wall with a picture of Angela and the slogan "Free Angela."

In our own country the movement for Angela has become a nationwide phenomenon.  Many prominent individuals have publicly gone on record for Angela's freedom.  They include Rev. Ralph D. Abernathy of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference; Charles Hayes of the Packinghouse Workers; Ossie Davis; Anne Braden; Southern Conference Educational Fund; David Livingston, Distributive Workers, District 65; elected officials including Ron Dellums, Mervyn Dymally, Jackie Vaughn, Coleman Young, Julian Bond, Sidney Von Luther and John Conyers.

Many national organizations have gone on record for bail, some stranger than other, but all important.  These include the National Conference of Black Lawyers; YWCA; Black Academicians; Northern California American Civil Liberties Union; Northern California National Lawyers Guild; San Francisco Urban League; San Francisco NAACP; and the Association of Black Social Workers of New York.

Important statements for bail and/or freedom from sections of the trade union movement include those from Los Angeles' Laborers Local 300; Alameda Count Central Labor Council; National Convention of the American Federation of Teachers; the Black Caucus of the AFT; Teachers Action Committee; Office and Professional Workers Local 29; I.L.W.U. in convention; UAW Ford Local 600; Detroit Dodge Local 3; National Steelworkers Ad Hoc Committee; Executive Board and Fair Employment Practices Committee for Trade Union Action and Democracy.  District 65 and Local 1199 in New York have made significant contributions to the struggle for Angela's freedom.

The support that Angela has won is so unprecedented that it was recorded by the Marin County, California, probation officer, who declared:

I also feel that since August 7, 1970, some significant things