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in using its trump card - the charge of conspiracy - to remove from action those who organize to end the war against Indochina, those involved in the struggle against racism, those involved in organizing the people of the country to reverse the mad trend to the right.  The aim is to isolate the political activists who favor change from those desiring and needing to be organized.

Despite all the support, the organizing, the demands, Angela remains in jail.  While some of the inhuman conditions, such as deprivation of outdoor exercise, of television and radio, and of medical and dental treatment in a proper facility, or food so unappetizing as to be inedible, have been corrected by the pressure created by tens of thousands of telegrams and phone calls to the authorities, Angela remains in virtual solitary confinement.  Friends and supporters are able to visit her only once a week - two visitors for one half hour each.  Her family, as potential witnesses, and other potential witnesses, are able to visit her only if accompanied by one of her attorneys.  This in spite of the fact that Angels has won the "right" to act as co-counsel in her defense.

Judge Arnason again denied a change of venue on February 17. 1972.  Therefore Angela is being forced to go on trial for her life I Santa Clara County.  This is a county with a population less than 2 percent Black, where Chicanos are rarely included on juries and where many workers are employed in so-called security defense jobs.

The courtroom holds a total of 71 seats, only 41 of which are for the public.  It is surrounded by heavy metal fencing.  Identification checks, metal detectors, and submission to body searches and photographing are intended to intimidate anyone who wants to view "justice" in action.

Even the right to demonstrate I front of the court house was summarily denied by a clearly unconstitutional California penal code.  Twenty-four people, including most of the leadership of NUCFAD, were arrested and NUCFAD was forced to


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pay almost $7,000 for bail, because they refused to agree with those who sought to deny our very fundamental right to free speech and assembly as guaranteed by the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Though a victory was won on February 14, when a thousand people gathered not more than 150 yards from the courthouse, demonstrated, spoke and went en masse to "tour" the awesome security fence, Angela faces walking into a prejudged atmosphere.  No matter how much window-dressing is employed, the fact is that Angels cannot and will not receive a fair trial.  Acquittal is possibly only because of the mass support, and because there is still a faint chance that an impartial jury faced with the facts of Angela's innocence will say she is not guilty.  In the meantime, Angela has spent almost one and a half years in jail.

Earlier we have spoken about support from numerous trade unions and organizations, yet there are only tow trade union internationals that have spoken out, the American Federation of Teachers and the International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union.  It is of great importance that the World Federation of Trade Unions has endorsed the campaign for Angela's freedom.  But where are the international unions whose main centers are in our own country?  It becomes strikingly apparent that as of this moment the organized working class has a whole has not seen the relationship between racist repression and labor's own future.


Comrades, the role of the working class, the need for the working class to assume leadership not only in the trade union movement but in all people's struggles, was the major thread running through Comrade Hall's report.  Comrade Winston's report dealt in a major way with ideological problems facing our class.