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From South Africa to Vietnam to Palestine to the new Nicaragua, there is a definite crisis of confidence in the U.S. government and its policies of imperialism.  These sisters and brothers around the world, like those around the country and in this hall today have been lied to, spit upon, shot at, thrown in prison, exploited, oppressed, suppressed by this system, and no peanut-brained, sermonizing President of the United States is going to ease their crisis of confidence.

But they do have confidence in themselves.  The people of Angola and the people of Ethiopia have oceans of confidence in themselves and in their true friends, Cuba and the Soviet Union.

The executive secretary of the African National Congress of South Africa is with us this evening and you should see how confidently he announces the approaching demise of apartheid, because he has confidence in his people and in their allies in the socialist countries.

Not very long ago, the Carter Administration insisted that Cuba and the Soviet Union had no right to assist the people of Africa to achieve their liberation.  Now they are telling Black people in the U.S. that we have no right to stand up for the right of the Palestians to their homeland.

I recently had the honor to receive the Lenin Peace Prize.  You should know that the Soviet people are absolutely and unanimously committed to the struggle for peace.  It is the national passion.

I have no doubt that had we lost 20 million people during the Second World War and had we had 10,000 cities and towns destroyed, we would have that very same passion for peace.

Perhaps we would develop that very same passion for peace if we simply stopped to imagine what things would become if five minutes from now we all fell under the force of a nuclear explosion.

Don't we all have to act right now to insure the passage of SALT II?  Peace is everybody's business!

Everyone has questions about the energy crisis - we know the oil companies are ripping us off.  But one thing is certain: there is no energy crisis and no crisis of confidence here in Cobo Hall this afternoon.  We have unlimited human energy and we can develop the same confidence in ourselves as our sisters and brothers in the socialist countries, as our sisters and brothers in South Africa and


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Nicaragua.  We can break this vicious circle of racism, sexism, unemployment and inflation created by those who always put profits before people.

But right now our energy is like spontaneous combustion.  We must harness it, organize it, direct it along a productive path.

Let me suggest to you that if you are not already active in organizations for social change, that you are missing something in your life, and certainly those organizations miss you.  There are a host of organizations with us today which deserve your attention and support, but mainly they need your participation.  All are vital and are doing the kind of meaningful work that will change the direction of our country and bring purpose to our lives.  Many have tables with literature and sign-up sheets out in the corridors.  Check them out.  They include my own organization, the National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression, and I guess from our name you understand what we are about.  Same with the working-class women's organization, Women for Racial and Economic Equality (WREE).  And the U.S. Peace Council.  And the National Anti-Imperialist Movement in Solidarity with African Liberation (NAIMSAL).

And if you are young and ready to move into struggle around the rights to earn, learn and live, look into the Marxist-Leninist youth organization, the Young Workers Liberation League.

And finally, let me let you in on a not-so-secret.  Over these last few days (Aug. 23 - 26, 1979), right here in Cobo Hall, hundreds of people like yourselves representing thousands more just like yourselves have been meeting as the 22nd National Convention of the Communist Party USA.  And, as you undoubtedly know I am a member of the Communist Party and extremely proud of it.  So I would be remiss if I did not tell you that, While you have heard many things about the Communist Party, many of which are probably not so flattering - 


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there are a couple of things you night want to know if you don't already know them.

First, the Communist Party is a party of workers and those who are partisans of workers.  In fact, in my opinion and I believe this is the historic and world-wide experience of workers, the Communist Party is the highest form of working class organization.  And second, we are not a closed corporation.  The Communist Party is open to any and all who can agree with its program and constitution.  So consider this a personal invitation to check out the Communist Party.  Its literature is also out in the corridors.  Read it, and if you see fit, join us.  Like I said before, we need each other.

And let me close as I began.  Once you join these movements, once you begin to move in concert with other, your whole world will begin to change.  And far from a crisis of confidence, you will have reason for confidence, confidence in yourself, confidence in humankind and confidence in the future,

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___I would like more information on your ideas about how to SAVE DODGE MAIN and other plants from shutdowns.


___Gus Hall's speech at Cobo Rally. (General Secretary, CPUSA).

___James Steele's speech at Cobo Rally (Chrm., Young Workers Liberation League).

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