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Henry Winston, the author of this pamphlet, is the National Administrative Secretary of the Young Communist League, and a member of the National Committee of the Communist Party, U.S.A. PUBLISHED BY NEW AGE PUBLISHERS P.O. BOX 28, STATION D, NEW YORK CITY March, 1941 [[end page]] [[start page]] OLD JIM CROW HAS GOT TO GO! By HENRY WINSTON You and I-- walked the streets of Harlem, South Side Chicago, Bedford-Stuyvesant, the Filmore area of San Francisco-- in fact, every city where Negro youth live; ten years ago, five years ago, one year ago. You and I-- were jobless. We were in search of a way to earn a living. We were looking for a job. There were a million of us-- Negro young men and women in every section of the country. We were not alone. Many of the great factories were then closed. The giant steel mills of Pittsburgh and Youngstown, the mines of West Virginia and Ohio, the longshore, metal, garment and laundry industries of New York, the packing industry of Chicago-- all were laying men off by the thousands. We were an army of job-seeking youth. We sought in vain. Some of us were fortunate enough to get on relief, others were not. The prospect for employment in industry then was very slight. Things are a little different now. The blast furnaces of the great steel mills are roaring and working at top capacity. The aviation industry is being expanded and transformed along mass production lines, employing thousands of workers. American industry is experiencing a "boom" to meet a war situation and to prepare for America's participation in this war. Yes, it is true that you and I are not among those thousands that have been called to work- even though the factories are now open. Most of us who were walking the streets ten years ago, five years ago, and one year ago are still walking in search of jobs. There appear to be no jobs for Negro youth whether industry is shut down or opened up. The prospect for earning a living for ourselves and our families becomes an extremely uncertain one. There are some among us who are single and
Transcription Notes:
Page notation -3- at bottom of second page in image