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TO THE READER THIS PAMPHLET was written as a public service by the noted, labor journalist, Mike Newberry, and its publication made possible, in part, through the generous contributions of the Garment Labor Committee for Civil Rights, of New York City. Effective aid in the campaign was given by the Bronx Committee for the Freedom of Henry Winston, which continues to work tirelessly to secure the release from prison of this notable Negro-American working class leader and veteran of World War II, who was singled out as one of the first victims of the infamous Smith Act. Price 10 cents. ------- Published by the HARLEM COMMITTEE TO FREE HENRY WINSTON Cyril Philip, Chairman 2349 Eighth Avenue, New York 27, New York Telephone: RIverside 9-7244 [[stamped image]]209 [[next page]] The Cruel And Unusual Punishment Of HENRY WINSTON By Mike Newberry --- HARLEM COMMITTEE TO FREE HENRY WINSTON New York