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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
52Feb 02 1905x 15405 Regular Monthly test on Polaris. Other side of this plate = C 15234. Out of focus apparatus and square aperture over objective. Two exposures of 78 beats of armature each on plate number side. Two extra exposures of 120s each. See note for next plate. Began 7:42.
52Feb 02 1905x 15406 Second plate of monthly test. Two exps. of 78 beats of armature each on plate number side. Two additional exposures were put on under plate number but on opp. end plate of 120s each as obs'r. discovered that previous exposures were too short. Exposures began at 7:48. Stand. Ther = 9.0 at B 8 00. Var. Star App. 1m sigs from B 394. E.T. 11 44 First movement & long break. 13 10 25 last movement.
5215407VU Cephei0 53+81.308 507 55 W+81.310 18Feb 02 1905
5215408U Hydrae10 32.6-12.910 400 08 W-5.112 08Feb 02 1905x 15408 Clock gave out; plate trailed. C 15408 Time of ending omitted.