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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
8015473ο Ceti2 14-3.404 262 12 W+4.505 56Feb 18 1905
8015474HP 13687 10-26.206 051 05 E-18.207 05Feb 18 1905x 15474 In adjusting load on control clock, pendulum struck the clock weight, which caused the pendulum to move out of its regular path, causing the signals to be irregular.
8015475Polaris07 165 44 W+88.607 17Feb 18 1905x 15475 Out of focus App. exp. 78 Beats. 4x5 plate under moon to-night. See A 91291.
8015475Polaris07 1907 20 *Feb 18 1905x 15475 Out of focus App. exp. 78 Beats. 4x5 plate under moon to-night. See A 91291. * C 15475 2nd Exp. Polaris Time started 7h 19m. Time Stopped 7h 10m. Should it not be 7h 20m? 7 20 is right. K.
8015476DC 43757 49+79.808 050 16 W+87.608 56Feb 18 1905
8015477DC 44538 01+51.809 011 00 W+59.810 01Feb 18 1905
8015478DC 5203 *a9 [[4]]5+54.510 070 22 W+62.311 13Feb 18 1905*a DC 5127 not 5203 = 9 45 -54.5.
8015479DC 569111 13.7+38.711 350 21 W+46.512 38Feb 18 1905
8015480DC 615512 26+25.112 430 18 W+32.913 48Feb 18 1905x 15480 Dome interfering some at 13 30.
8015481DC 641813 14+50.213 520 38 W+58.015 02Feb 18 1905