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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
9015497ο Ceti2 14-3.405 042 50 W+4.606 20Feb 25 1905
9015498DC 37076 29-1.206 380 09 W+6.807 32Feb 25 1905C 15498 Object, H 3707. Should it not be DC 3707? I think so. M.
9015499DC 41017 12-15.407 380 26 W-7.508 51Feb 25 1905
9015500DC 47018 42-13.208 550 13 W-5.110 00Feb 25 1905
9015501DC 50739 26.9-0.710 080 41 W+7.111 08Feb 25 1905
9015502DC 540310 25.2-0.111 120 47 W+7.712 16Feb 25 1905
9015503DC 589011 39.7-17.812 220 42 W-10.013 40Feb 25 1905