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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
9415508Sun & Spots02 43Feb 28 1905x 15508 Cramer Contract plate. Usual apparatus. By mistake this plate was exposed a second time.
9415509Sun & SpotsFeb 28 1905x 15509 Same as last. Seed Process Plate.
9415510Sun & SpotsFeb 28 1905x 15510 Same as last. Cramer Contract Plate.
9415511DC 34576 00.5-16.506 020 00-8.707 03Feb 28 1905
9415512DC 37716 37+17.807 090 31 W+25.607 29Feb 28 1905
9415513DC 5265 *10 00.2-12.610 580 53 W-4.611 09Feb 28 1905* DC 5265 is not on C 15513. DC 5289 10h 5.7m -11.8° is.
9415514DC 594311 50.9-16.612 120 19 W-8.813 04Feb 28 1905
9415515DC 609612 15.4-21.613 060 50 W-13.913 53Feb 28 1905
9415516DC 661413 52.9-24.513 580 03 W-16.715 01Feb 28 1905
9415516DC 661913 54.4-24.513 580 03 W-16.715 01Feb 28 1905
9415517DC 692915 06.5-19.415 040 03 E-11.616 23Feb 28 1905
94Mar 13 1905Watch A was 1m slow on this date. Corrected times entered above. March 13. 1905. H.R.C.