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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
1415795MMars15 140 52 W-16.015 17Jun 24 1905x 15795 Enl. App. 3 expos. on Mars of 80, 40, & 20 sec.
1415796Mars15 271 05 W-16.015 31Jun 24 1905x 15796 Same as 15795 with expos. of 2m 1m and 30 sec.
1415797DC 689414 58+2.516 041 06 W+10.317 08Jun 24 1905x 15797 Caught armature tripping up at A 16 50.
1415798DC 724116 06.6-9.817 261 20 W18 36Jun 24 1905
1415799RX Herculis18 24+12.518 520 28 W+12.520 17Jun 24 1905x 15799 Var. Star Apparatus. "0" end precedes, first image next plate no. N 12 27 35-37 first movement 12 30 35-37 first long break. 13 49 36-38 last movement. Watch N is 22 sec slow at 14 04. Starting time of plate by Watch A I approximately correct.
1415800DC 902320 02.5+23.320 520 50 W+31.121 43Jun 24 1905