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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
4016274DC 1454 DC 150902 140 14 W *-7.603 48Dec 26 1905x 16274 Dome interfering at close. * HA must have been east. As RA of DC 1454 is 2h 27m and of DC 1509 2h 32m.
4016275DC 2121 DC 213203 570 17 W+78.604 58Dec 26 1905
4016276DC 2440 DC 244105 080 54 W+29.606 45Dec 26 1905
4016277DC 29245 09+32.606 591 50 W+40.408 18Dec 26 1905
4016278DC 44538 01+53.8 *08 260 25 W+61.608 49Dec 26 1905x 16278 Clock stopped. *a Dec. of DC 4453 is +51.8°
40Dec 26 1905According to Mr. Gerrish it was this date that the Dec. Axis was fixed. The Telescope had turned very hard in Dec. & the tube was jacked up to releave the pressure. Later it was observed then the lines of spectra were very oblique. The pole adjust plate C 16289 showed that the polar axis was very much disturbed.