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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
4416284ΞΆ Urs Maj13 20+55.400 0510 45 W *+63.200 45Dec 28 1905x 16284 At time of setting armature was skipping beats. Had contacts of relay cleaned after which it seemed to work better. *HA probably west? It is. H.S.L.
4416285DC 987222 35+63.100 552 20 W+70.902 39Dec 28 1905x 16285 Sector run out. HA read at close = 3 37 W.
4416286DC 17062 54-24.003 000 07 W-16.504 00Dec 28 1905x 16286 Load changed to 190 just after start.