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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
5416623V Sagittarii19 16-16.118 091 07 E-23.919 03Aug 14 190616623 Time Started 18 09. Stopped 18 03! Please correct.
5416624DC 868019 16-19.419 150 01 E-11.620 14Aug 14 1906
5416625DC 881019 32-7.220 200 48 W+0.621 44Aug 14 1906x 16625 Obj. under dome at close.
5416626DC 978222 21+25.423 231 02 W+33.200 30Aug 14 1906x 16626 Edge of obj. under dome at close.
5416627DC 9505-950621 40+28.300 563 16 W+36.101 32Aug 14 1906