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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
4616859IHP 264315 45+26.413 382 07 E+18.614 39May 21 1907
4616860IHP 293317 27+26.214 502 37 E+18.516 17May 21 1907
4616861HP 300417 53+37.216 241 29 E+29.417 24May 21 1907
4616862HP 301817 56+16.817 260 30 E+9.018 27May 21 1907x 16862 Objective p'tly covered by dome at end of exposure.
4616863HP 308918 16+3.318 320 16 W+11.119 29May 21 1907C 16863 Should the HP number be 3089? This is the number in the HP having the position 18 16 +3.3. Please fill in.