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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
66168813Mars20 081 05 W-28.5Jul 04 1907x 16881 Out-of-focus apparatus [[drawing square with a circle around it]] aperture 78 beats of armature for each exposure. Before Polaris could be placed in field it was hidden by 2K clouds.
66168814MarsJul 04 1907x 16881 Out-of-focus apparatus [[drawing square with a circle around it]] aperture 78 beats of armature for each exposure. Before Polaris could be placed in field it was hidden by 2K clouds.
66168815MarsJul 04 1907x 16881 Out-of-focus apparatus [[drawing square with a circle around it]] aperture 78 beats of armature for each exposure. Before Polaris could be placed in field it was hidden by 2K clouds.
66168816MarsJul 04 1907x 16881 Out-of-focus apparatus [[drawing square with a circle around it]] aperture 78 beats of armature for each exposure. Before Polaris could be placed in field it was hidden by 2K clouds.
66168817MarsJul 04 1907x 16881 Out-of-focus apparatus [[drawing square with a circle around it]] aperture 78 beats of armature for each exposure. Before Polaris could be placed in field it was hidden by 2K clouds.

Transcription Notes:
Class column numbers refer to exposures. No Stop time provided.