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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
701688623Polaris17 035 48 E+88.9Jul 05 1907x 16886 Out of focus app. [[drawing square inside a circle]] aperture. Each exposure had a duration of 72 beats of armature.
701688624PolarisJul 05 1907x 16886 Out of focus app. [[drawing square inside a circle]] aperture. Each exposure had a duration of 72 beats of armature.
701688625MarsSpoiledExp.Jul 05 1907x 16886 Out of focus app. [[drawing square inside a circle]] aperture. Each exposure had a duration of 72 beats of armature.
701688626MarsJul 05 1907x 16886 Out of focus app. [[drawing square inside a circle]] aperture. Each exposure had a duration of 72 beats of armature.
701688627MarsJul 05 1907x 16886 Out of focus app. [[drawing square inside a circle]] aperture. Each exposure had a duration of 72 beats of armature.
701688628MarsJul 05 1907x 16886 Out of focus app. [[drawing square inside a circle]] aperture. Each exposure had a duration of 72 beats of armature.
701688629MarsSpoiled.Jul 05 1907x 16886 Out of focus app. [[drawing square inside a circle]] aperture. Each exposure had a duration of 72 beats of armature.
701688630MarsJul 05 1907x 16886 Out of focus app. [[drawing square inside a circle]] aperture. Each exposure had a duration of 72 beats of armature.
701688631Mars19 55Jul 05 1907x 16886 Out of focus app. [[drawing square inside a circle]] aperture. Each exposure had a duration of 72 beats of armature.

Transcription Notes:
Class column refers to exposures.