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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
7216887R Hydrae13 24-22.816 182 54 W-15.016 48Jul 09 1907x 16887 Trees in field at end of exposure.
7216888DC 715515 49+42.717 351 45 *+50.618 39Jul 09 1907Iso Plate. 1K film over Pole making it impossible to get it in field. * HA probably west.
7216888DC 717115 52+42.817 351 45 *+50.618 39Jul 09 1907Iso Plate. 1K film over Pole making it impossible to get it in field. * HA probably west.
72Jul 09 1907On what date were these plates taken? Please fill in. July 09 or July 10 which?