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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
8816912LDC 729216 18-19.817 150 57 W-12.017 45Jul 27 1907
8816913Pole18 031 04 E+90.018 21Jul 27 1907x 16913 Set on Pole with Large Jup Ecl Ap over objective. Save exp. of 10s, 20s, 40s & 80s change Dec. by 1/4 rev. between exposures. Removed Ap. & used the Full ap. of lens. Dec. +1/2 rev. Save exp of 10s, 20s, 40s & 80s. Changes Dec. 1/4 rev. between exposures. Ended exp to Pole at 16 11. Set on Region near equator HA 0 28 W at 18 19 Dec. = +0.5 Large Jup. Ecl. Ap. over objective. Began at 18 18 & Ended at 18 21 giving two exp of 60s? & 60s. The RA sm was moved -1 rev. between.
8816914V Sagittarii HP 332119 16-16.118 460 30 E-8.319 47Jul 27 1907
8816915HP 344419 49+8.219 540 05 W+16.020 54Jul 27 1907
8816916HP 350620 02+67.620 580 56 W+75.522 06Jul 27 1907x 16916 Light film over sky at close.