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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
2416819HP 15968 37-15.609 030 25 W-7.810 25Apr 11 1907
2416820HP 231513 37+55.211 591 39 E+47.213 06Apr 11 1907x 16820 Obj. under dome at close.
2416821HP 226913 22-15.5 *13 230 01 W-7.714 23Apr 11 1907x 16821 Exposed to region 13 28 -15.5 for about 20 sec by mistake. While setting instrument found objective covered by cloth cover. Therefore 16819 & 20 no result. Obj. p'tly under dome at end. * Dec. of HP 2269 = -15.4 (1900 pos.)
2416822HP 231513 37+55.215 031 26 W+63.016 03Apr 11 1907
2416823HP 239614 09+78.016 112 02 W+85.817 39Apr 11 1907