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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
3416839IHP 16939 19-28.410 261 07 W-20.611 26Apr 21 1907
3416840IDC 575211 23+3.411 400 17 W+11.312 46Apr 21 1907
3416841IHP 271016 05+36.813 033 02 E+29.114 05Apr 21 1907
3416842HP 275016 18+31.7 *14 102 08 E+23.915 06Apr 21 1907x 16842 Wt ran out at 1 40 E. * HP 2750 Dec. +31.1° not +31.7°
3416843HP 278016 28+11.716 130 15 E+3.917 20Apr 21 1907