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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
9416923Pole17 17 301 33 W+90.017 29Jul 31 1907x 16923 To test faintness of stars photographed. Full aperture. At 17 27 30 Closed. Set Dec. +1/2 rev. At 17 27 50 Opened again. At 17 28 50 Closed.
9416924Pole17 31 401 47 W+90.017 44Jul 31 1907x 16924 Same as last. Large Jup Ecl Ap. over objective. At 17 41 40 Closed. Set Dec. +1/2 rev. At 17 42 00 Opened again. At 17 44 00 Closed.