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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
10817305α Aurigae5 09+45.907 592 50 W+53.709 10Feb 29 1908x 17305 Iso. plate. Same as 17304. Foci 8.5 Exposure 7 59 to 8 11. Changed slow motion 2 rev. 9.0 8 12 to 8 25. Changed slow motion 2 rev. 9.5 8 26 to 8 36. Changed slow motion 2 rev. 10.0 8 37 to 8 47. Changed slow motion 2 rev. 10.3 8 49 to 8 59. Changed slow motion 2 rev. 10.5 9 0 to 9 10. Photographic corrector restored after taking the above plate.