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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
7817714ι Cancri8 41+29.111 382 58 W+29.112 34Apr 26 1909x 17714 Slit Spectroscope Focus 14. Slit open 1/4 rev. Sidinal load. Slit set for fainter component. Sigma plate. Star seen in slit at close.
7817715δ Cephei22 25+57.914 148 11 E+50.116 15Apr 26 1909x 17715 Σ - Plate. At close found that sector had run out.
7817716HR 704618 40-22.516 521 48 E-30.318 31Apr 26 1909x 17716 Sigma plate. Dew on lower part of prism at close. About 1/3 of the prism.