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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
8617723Pole11 04 000 00+90.011 14 00May 05 1909x 17723 a Full aperture. b 2-inch aper. in centre. c 2-inch aper. half way between centre and sky. Cloud passed close to this region. d 2-inch aperture tangent to edge. e Ful aperture. After each exposure moved plate-holder slightly in tail-piece of tel. The last exposure had the greatest movement. This last exposure towards numbered end. For Miss Leavitt.
8617723Pole11 17 000 13 W+90.011 27 00May 05 1909x 17723 a Full aperture. b 2-inch aper. in centre. c 2-inch aper. half way between centre and sky. Cloud passed close to this region. d 2-inch aperture tangent to edge. e Ful aperture. After each exposure moved plate-holder slightly in tail-piece of tel. The last exposure had the greatest movement. This last exposure towards numbered end. For Miss Leavitt.
8617723Pole11 30 000 26 W+90.011 40 00May 05 1909x 17723 a Full aperture. b 2-inch aper. in centre. c 2-inch aper. half way between centre and sky. Cloud passed close to this region. d 2-inch aperture tangent to edge. e Ful aperture. After each exposure moved plate-holder slightly in tail-piece of tel. The last exposure had the greatest movement. This last exposure towards numbered end. For Miss Leavitt.
8617723Pole11 45 100 41 W+90.011 55 10May 05 1909x 17723 a Full aperture. b 2-inch aper. in centre. c 2-inch aper. half way between centre and sky. Cloud passed close to this region. d 2-inch aperture tangent to edge. e Ful aperture. After each exposure moved plate-holder slightly in tail-piece of tel. The last exposure had the greatest movement. This last exposure towards numbered end. For Miss Leavitt.
8617723Pole11 57 000 53 W+90.012 07 00May 05 1909x 17723 a Full aperture. b 2-inch aper. in centre. c 2-inch aper. half way between centre and sky. Cloud passed close to this region. d 2-inch aperture tangent to edge. e Ful aperture. After each exposure moved plate-holder slightly in tail-piece of tel. The last exposure had the greatest movement. This last exposure towards numbered end. For Miss Leavitt.
8617724Ecl. Jup. Sat. III12 3712 55May 05 1909x 17724 Var. Star App. 1 min signals. 1st min next to plate no. 3 pin Wheel used. ET 9 28 1st movement. 9 46 Last movement. Slit used. Exp. made through shade & clear glass alternately. Possibly clear glass was not attached properly for some of the exposures. Backed plate.