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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
8817725α Bootis11 352 36 E+11.912 06May 06 1909x 17725 Seed 27 bathed in Homcol. Focus plate. Foci Began Ended 5.8 11 35 11 44 6.0 11 44 11 54 6.2 11 55 12 00 6.4 12 00 12 06.
8817726α Bootis12 2213 03May 06 1909x 17726 Seed 27 plate bathed in Homcol. Interference at close.
8817727α Bootis14 050 06 E14 45May 06 1909x 17727 Cramer Iso Inst. Found slide not drawn, so started again.