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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
9217729HR 602916 06-28.215 130 53 E-20.417 13May 11 1909x 17729 Sigma plate.
9217730δ Cephei22 25+57.917 53 004 32 E+50.118 13 00May 11 1909
921773125Polaris18 445 20 W88.918 45May 11 1909x 17731 Monthly Test no. 93 box. 13131 emuls 11883. C 17731 H.A.?
921773126Polaris18 4688.918 47May 11 1909x 17731 Monthly Test no. 93 box. 13131 emuls 11883. C 17731 H.A.?
921773127Polaris18 4888.918 49May 11 1909x 17731 Monthly Test no. 93 box. 13131 emuls 11883. C 17731 H.A.?
921773128Polaris18 5088.918 51May 11 1909x 17731 Monthly Test no. 93 box. 13131 emuls 11883. C 17731 H.A.?
921773226Polaris18 5788.918 58May 11 1909x 17732 Monthly Test box. 13168 emulsion 11907. Temp. +44.0
921773227Polaris18 5988.919 00May 11 1909x 17732 Monthly Test box. 13168 emulsion 11907. Temp. +44.0
921773228Polaris19 0188.919 02May 11 1909x 17732 Monthly Test box. 13168 emulsion 11907. Temp. +44.0
921773229Polaris19 0388.919 04May 11 1909x 17732 Monthly Test box. 13168 emulsion 11907. Temp. +44.0