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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
96177365 48+23.512 03 106 15 W+23.512 13 10May 20 1909x 17736 Seed 23.
96177375 48+23.512 15 106 27 W+23.512 25 10May 20 1909x 17737 Seed 23.
9617738Jup. II Reap.14 263 55 W+10.514 36May 20 1909x 17738 Var. St. app. with backed plate. Reap. of Jup. Sat. II. Watch N used. 20s signals. First mov. at: 10h 17m 37-39s. Last mov. at: 10h 27m 57-59. Watch N is 24s slow of Bond 394.
9617739δ Cephei22 25+57.918 513 34 E+50.119 11May 20 1909