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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
1817882MPole+90.022 010 00+90.023 01Oct 30 1909x 17882 Polar Adjustment Plate. Last 5m allowed to trail.
1817883Mα Lyrae23 17 004 42 W+46.723 27Oct 30 1909x 17883 Cramer Iso. Plate. Each exposure on α Lyrae 20m run between 1st & 2nd exps. but with shutter closed. Moon two days past Full. After the second exposure the times when the shutter remained closed was reduced to 10m or 10m exposed to α Lyrae & then shutter closed for 10m instrument still running. Very cloudy at times during last 4 exposures. Too cloudy to continue.
1817883Mα Lyrae23 47 0023 57 00Oct 30 1909x 17883 Cramer Iso. Plate. Each exposure on α Lyrae 20m run between 1st & 2nd exps. but with shutter closed. Moon two days past Full. After the second exposure the times when the shutter remained closed was reduced to 10m or 10m exposed to α Lyrae & then shutter closed for 10m instrument still running. Very cloudy at times during last 4 exposures. Too cloudy to continue.
1817883Mα Lyrae00 07 0000 17 00Oct 30 1909x 17883 Cramer Iso. Plate. Each exposure on α Lyrae 20m run between 1st & 2nd exps. but with shutter closed. Moon two days past Full. After the second exposure the times when the shutter remained closed was reduced to 10m or 10m exposed to α Lyrae & then shutter closed for 10m instrument still running. Very cloudy at times during last 4 exposures. Too cloudy to continue.
1817883Mα Lyrae00 27 0000 37 00Oct 30 1909x 17883 Cramer Iso. Plate. Each exposure on α Lyrae 20m run between 1st & 2nd exps. but with shutter closed. Moon two days past Full. After the second exposure the times when the shutter remained closed was reduced to 10m or 10m exposed to α Lyrae & then shutter closed for 10m instrument still running. Very cloudy at times during last 4 exposures. Too cloudy to continue.
1817883Mα Lyrae00 47 0000 57 00Oct 30 1909x 17883 Cramer Iso. Plate. Each exposure on α Lyrae 20m run between 1st & 2nd exps. but with shutter closed. Moon two days past Full. After the second exposure the times when the shutter remained closed was reduced to 10m or 10m exposed to α Lyrae & then shutter closed for 10m instrument still running. Very cloudy at times during last 4 exposures. Too cloudy to continue.

Transcription Notes:
No Exp column