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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
4217923Moon04 35 0004 35 00Nov 29 1909x 17923 Iso plate with 3 1/2 x 3 1/2 yellow screen. Same as last. Exposure 2 beats.
4217924Moon04 36 1004 36 10Nov 29 1909x 17924 Seed 27 with Nitroso Screen. Same as last Exp. 6 beats.
4217925Moon04 43 0004 43 00Nov 29 1909x 17925 Iso plate with 3 1/2 x 3 1/2 yellow screen. Same as above. Exposure 3 beats.
4217926Moon04 43 4004 43 40Nov 29 1909x 17926 Seed 27 with Nitroso Screen. Same as last Exp. 9 beats.
4217927Moon04 45 2004 45 20Nov 29 1909x 17927 Old Seed Process Plate Exp. 2 beats. No screen used.
4217928Moon04 46 0004 46 00Nov 29 1909x 17928 Old Seed Process. Same as last. Exp. 4 beats.
4217929Moon04 47 0004 47 00Nov 29 1909x 17929 Old Seed Process. Same as last. Exp. 6 beats.
42Nov 29 1909All these plates had the same aperture. Small Jup. eclipse aper.