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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
152Mar 18-19 1950Focus Plates being taken - First two were useless because of clouds. Region clearing at 01 00 -
1521323L, FMeteors, Focus+8001 061 20 E+8002 4094Mar 18-19 1950No Shutter. Series of 5 exposures of 15 min. each. First exp. 1/8 turn above original position. Four exposures, turning lens 1/8 turn at a time toward plate. After insp., lens returned to 1st pos. - 1/8 turn above orig. Drive turned off at 05 18. Plate trailed for 5 min.
1521324PPolar15 5803 170 50 E+9005 23126Mar 18-19 1950Shutter on Plate 1324. Closed - dawn. Plate 1324 possibly fogged by very bright Northern Lights beginning about 03 25 and continuing until dawn.