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[[[Ans 8/26/24]]


At the age of twenty-eight, having a wife and two children, I found myself starting in the ministry on a pittifully small salary in a country parish. My early education having been neglected, it was also necessary for me to attend college.

It was while we were thus struggling along that the thought occurred to me that demand for flowers could easily be created and satisfied by me. My father had for years had remarkably good success with Burpee's Seeds, and early in the season I secured a supply of Burpee's seeds, costing me slightly more than four dollars. From this investment I succeeded in selling over one-hundred dollars worth of cut flowers (sweet peas, snapdragons, etc.), and, in addition, supplied flowers for our church services. Besides this, we had, excepting potatoes, enough vegetables to carry us through the entire year.

Greater than these, however, was the increased bodily and mental [[strikethrough]] vi [[/strikethrough]] vigor which to us as a result of our garden activities.

Thus it was through Burpee's Seeds that I could continue in the ministry; and I continue to find that Burpee's Seeds can be depended on to grow - either for pleasure or profit.

Rev. Paul Malefyt
Alexandria Bay, N. Y.