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[[stamped]] AUG 14 1924 [[/stamped]]
[[ Ans 8/26/24]]

For Prize Contest

What Burpee's Seeds Have Done for Me

W. L. Cook, 903 Walnut St., Osage, Iowa.

Burpee's seeds have more vitality, are true to name, produce better crops as I have found by planting other seeds side by side and comparing quality and quantity. Burpee's seeds cost more money but - are worth the difference in price. By buying Burpee's seeds I know what to expect from each variety from the description given in the catalogue. I can give my customers the best of everything in the vegetable line. I always have garden truck sooner than anyone else and command higher prices because the seeds germinate quick
and also are strong from the start. By getting good seed and strong plants ^[[and]] by planting "Burpee's Seeds that Grow" I always get a good stand and by having strong plants and early crops means a great many more dollars to me. Burpee's seeds are always the first ones to come up after planting. Burpee's seeds raise crops that bring the premiums at the fairs