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[[Ans 8/27/24]]

For Prize Contest

Early in the spring, I was in poor health, mostly nerves, and 
decided that I would have no garden this summer. I said that the work was hard and that half the seed planted, did not come up, that the flame was not worth the candle.

My mother said "You know you always have luck with Burpee's seeds, get a few and try". I did and this is the result.

I  The name Burpee enabled me to sell plants where there was little demand.

II  I have such fine snapdragons that I intend entering them for
a prize at the Horticultural Show.

III  The plants come up so thickly that I could give them away
to friends and neighbours, thus returning favours and cementing

IV  I have become locally famous as a grower of sweet peas.