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To all whom it may concern
dWe the County Commissioners of Fillmore County Neb. hereby authorize and appoint Rev T. H. Tibbles our only agent to solicit aid for the grasshopper sufferers of our County and we reccommend him to Rail Road Officers and the public in general. and that his statements may be relied upon     E. L. Martin
 W. T. Bennett
 E Shepard
approved H P Finigan    }
         Probate Judge  }
         Fillmore County }
                 Neb     }
Having requested Rev T. H. Tibbles to travel and solicit aid for our suffering citizens, and he having accepted the trust, we most respectfully request the officers of the different Rail Roads over which he may wish to travel, to grant him all the favors they can for our necessities are great and every dollar he may pay out for fare would seed an acre of ground
     E. L. Martin
     W. T. Bennett
     E Shepard
[[stamped, seal]] Seal of the Probate Court of Fillmore County Neb. [[/stamped, seal]]
     H P Finigan   }
     Probate Judge }
     Fillmore Co   }
     Neb           }

Transcription Notes:
"approved H P Finigan" and following 3 lines (1st instance): Curly bracket } to the right of Finigan and Judge; another curly bracket } to the right of County and Neb 2nd instance of the same 4 lines: all are joined by one large curly bracket }. Impressed seal on lower left of page