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have done it unto one of the least of these, my brethren, ye have done it unto me."
     We respectfully suggest a Thanksgiving collection for this cause, to be taken either on Thanksgiving Day or the following Sunday.
     Funds should be sent to the Treasurer for distribution, but either of the undersigned will acknowledge by note or through your church paper, the receipt of funds or packages sent to their care.
     No person outside of the Commission is authorized to visit our churches or solicit in its name, except by written authority of the superintending Bishop. This notice is for the protection of our friends against possible imposture.
               C. C. CARPENTER, Chairman.
     John Hogarth Lozier, Secretary, Fort Dodge, Iowa.
     T. M. Williams, P. E., Ft. Dodge Dist., Ft. Dodge, Iowa.
     Bennett Mitchell, P, E., Algona Dist., Algona, Iowa.
     Lewis Hartsough, P. E., Sioux City Dist., Sioux City, Iowa.
     James Williams, P. E., Dakota, Dist., Elk Point, D.T.
     John Webb, P. E., North Pacific Dist., Fargo, D.T.
     E. S. Ormsby, Emmettsburg, Iowa.
     R. F. Page, Sioux City, Iowa.
     P. Gordon, Vermillion, D. T.

     ENDORSEMENT OF SUPERINTENDING BISHOP.--I have witnessed some of the ravages of the grasshopper plauge in the section covered by the Northwest of Iowa and Dakota; and I am certain that no appeal has been put forth that deserves a more immediate or generous response.
     I take pleasure in certifying to the character of the body through whom this petition comes before the public, and urge their liberal relief. G. HAVEN.
          I. GARMOE, Treasurer, Fort Dodge, Iowa.

Transcription Notes:
Have added the later insertion of the number 131 at the top of the page -@siobhanleachman