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[[right justified]] Overlook, Omaha,
June 2. 1879. [[end right justified]]
[[left justified]]
I take great pleasure in commending Mr.T.H.Tibbals and his philan-
thropic mission,to the consideration and the confidence of all hu-
mane and Christian people.
[indented new paragraph] Mr. Tibbals has interested himself in a very unselfish and kind-
hearted manner, in behalf of the poor Ponka Indians, who have been
so unjustly and harshly treated.[end paragraph]
[indented new paragraph] He is thoroughly acquainted with the whole history of their wrongs and sufferings. [end paragraph]
He is a gentleman worthy of all respect and confidence. 
All his statements may be thoroughly relied on. 
[[right justified]] Robert H. Clarksen,
Bishop of Nebraska 
[[end page]]